There are many flowers that are scented. For reasons that elude me, a large number of them have a honey undertone. In addition to today’s flower, honey dominates the scent of alyssum and the yellow fall chrysamthemums.
I spend a lot of time at the sink in my kitchen. Fortunately, there is a window there facing onto my garden where I can observe local animals and birds coming and going.
I can certainly understand why a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.
We were walking home Shabbos morning(9-11-21) at 11:30am and passed Independence Avenue & W. 236th St. On that corner (property of PS24), there was a white-flowered buddleia attracting tens of Monarch butterflies. We went back today, Sunday morning (9-12-21), and took pictures and videos. Buddleia flowers tend to bloom and die back quickly and, I believe that there were fewer butterflies today than yesterday. But, in any case, enjoy!