For over 120 KKL-JNF has been replanting the terribly degraded landscape of Israel. Their remarkable progress can be readily seen throughout the country.
A shofar is much more than a ram’s horn! Knowing more about the details of making one plus the characteristics of allowable horns, can only enhance your observance of Rosh Hashana.
Gingkoes are a memory of ancient times. They are the only members of their lineage with a unique bilobed leaf. They truly shine in the fall as their leaves turn golden,
Fibonacci Number I – Math & Nature Go Hand in Hand
While too many of us are uncomfortable with math, there are underlying patterns in Nature that can be described by mathematical formulae. Fibonacci Numbers crop up all the time.
No magic involved! All you need is the ability to closely examine the natural world and discover the many properties of the plants and fungi growing around us around us.
So often we are surrounded by materials that we take for granted and never think to explore further. With our restrictions on moving about, many of us are cooking more and paying more attention to ingredients!
I wasn’t always an avid reader. I remember being in first grade and being taught from the Dick and Jane series how to read. For the life of me, even at six years old, I could not fathom how anyone could rouse any interest in “Watch Dick run” or “Look at Spot.” Apparently I did grasp the process because I never need any further help with the subject but reading was definitely not a priority.
Reading eventually became a source of great pleasure for me. Writing, however, was an altogether different matter. Elementary school was full of compositions and book reports. In high school and beyond, no semester was complete without at least one research paper. And I cannot say that I ever enjoyed it!
We moved into our present home almost forty years ago. While the property had lawns front and back, there was little evidence that the previous owners were interested in gardening or landscaping. There were, however, lovely trees, some of which were quite large. In the front, close to the public walkway, there was a spindly tree with very large leaves which I could not identify.
Summer sees renewed activity for outdoor creatures. Some of them, however, decide to check out our homes. First I was intrigued by those flashing red dots on my computer screen. Finally, exasperated, I just wanted them to go home.